
397 lines
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import * as core from "@actions/core";
import * as exec from "@actions/exec";
import * as io from "@actions/io";
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as path from "path";
import { splitByNewline } from "./util";
import { Inputs, Outputs } from "./generated/inputs-outputs";
interface ExecResult {
exitCode: number;
stdout: string;
stderr: string;
interface ImageStorageCheckResult {
readonly foundTags: string[];
readonly missingTags: string[];
let podmanPath: string | undefined;
// boolean value to check if pushed image is from Docker image storage
let isImageFromDocker = false;
let imageToPush: string;
let tagsList: string[];
async function getPodmanPath(): Promise<string> {
if (podmanPath == null) {
podmanPath = await io.which("podman", true);
await execute(podmanPath, [ "version" ], { group: true });
return podmanPath;
// base URL that gets appended if image is pulled from the Docker imaege storage
const dockerBaseUrl = "docker.io/library";
async function run(): Promise<void> {
const DEFAULT_TAG = "latest";
const imageInput = core.getInput(Inputs.IMAGE, { required: true });
const tags = core.getInput(Inputs.TAGS);
// split tags
tagsList = tags.split(" ");
// info message if user doesn't provides any tag
if (!tagsList.length) {
core.info(`Input "${Inputs.TAGS}" is not provided, using default tag "${DEFAULT_TAG}"`);
const registry = core.getInput(Inputs.REGISTRY, { required: true });
const username = core.getInput(Inputs.USERNAME);
const password = core.getInput(Inputs.PASSWORD);
const tlsVerify = core.getInput(Inputs.TLS_VERIFY);
const digestFileInput = core.getInput(Inputs.DIGESTFILE);
const inputExtraArgsStr = core.getInput(Inputs.EXTRA_ARGS);
let podmanExtraArgs: string[] = [];
if (inputExtraArgsStr) {
// transform the array of lines into an array of arguments
// by splitting over lines, then over spaces, then trimming.
const lines = splitByNewline(inputExtraArgsStr);
podmanExtraArgs = lines.flatMap((line) => line.split(" ")).map((arg) => arg.trim());
imageToPush = `${imageInput}`;
const registryPathList: string[] = [];
// check if image with all the required tags exist in Podman image storage
const podmanImageStorageCheckResult: ImageStorageCheckResult = await checkImageInPodman();
const podmanFoundTags: string[] = podmanImageStorageCheckResult.foundTags;
const podmanMissingTags: string[] = podmanImageStorageCheckResult.missingTags;
if (podmanFoundTags.length > 0) {
core.info(`Tag${podmanFoundTags.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""} "${podmanFoundTags.join(", ")}" `
+ `of "${imageToPush}" found in Podman image storage`);
// Log warning if few tags are not found
if (podmanMissingTags.length > 0 && podmanFoundTags.length > 0) {
core.warning(`Tag${podmanMissingTags.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""} "${podmanMissingTags.join(", ")}" `
+ `of "${imageToPush}" not found in Podman image storage`);
// check if image with all the required tags exist in Docker image storage
// and if exist pull the image with all the tags to Podman
const dockerImageStorageCheckResult: ImageStorageCheckResult = await pullImageFromDocker();
const dockerFoundTags: string[] = dockerImageStorageCheckResult.foundTags;
const dockerMissingTags: string[] = dockerImageStorageCheckResult.missingTags;
if (dockerFoundTags.length > 0) {
core.info(`Tag${dockerFoundTags.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""} "${dockerFoundTags.join(", ")}" `
+ `of "${imageToPush}" found in Docker image storage`);
// Log warning if few tags are not found
if (dockerMissingTags.length > 0 && dockerFoundTags.length > 0) {
core.warning(`Tag${dockerMissingTags.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""} "${dockerMissingTags.join(", ")}" `
+ `of "${imageToPush}" not found in Docker image storage`);
// failing if image with any of the tag is not found in Docker as well as Podman
if (podmanMissingTags.length > 0 && dockerMissingTags.length > 0) {
throw new Error(
`All tags for "${imageToPush}" were not found in either Podman image storage, or Docker image storage. `
+ `Tag${podmanMissingTags.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""} "${podmanMissingTags.join(", ")}" `
+ `not found in Podman image storage, and tag${dockerMissingTags.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""} `
+ `"${dockerMissingTags.join(", ")}" not found in Docker image storage.`
const allTagsinPodman: boolean = podmanFoundTags.length === tagsList.length;
const allTagsinDocker: boolean = dockerFoundTags.length === tagsList.length;
if (allTagsinPodman && allTagsinDocker) {
const isPodmanImageLatest = await isPodmanLocalImageLatest();
if (!isPodmanImageLatest) {
`The version of "${imageToPush}" in the Docker image storage is more recent `
+ `than the version in the Podman image storage. The image(s) from the Docker image storage `
+ `will be pushed.`
imageToPush = `${dockerBaseUrl}/${imageToPush}`;
isImageFromDocker = true;
else {
`The version of "${imageToPush}" in the Podman image storage is more recent `
+ `than the version in the Docker image storage. The image(s) from the Podman image `
+ `storage will be pushed.`
else if (allTagsinDocker) {
imageToPush = `${dockerBaseUrl}/${imageToPush}`;
`"${imageToPush}" was found in the Docker image storage, but not in the Podman `
+ `image storage. The image(s) will be pulled into Podman image storage, pushed, and then `
+ `removed from the Podman image storage.`
isImageFromDocker = true;
else {
`"${imageToPush}" was found in the Podman image storage, but not in the Docker `
+ `image storage. The image(s) will be pushed from Podman image storage.`
let pushMsg = `Pushing "${imageToPush}" with tag${tagsList.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""} `
+ `"${tagsList.join(", ")}" to "${registry}"`;
if (username) {
pushMsg += ` as "${username}"`;
const registryWithoutTrailingSlash = registry.replace(/\/$/, "");
let creds = "";
if (username && !password) {
core.warning("Username is provided, but password is missing");
else if (!username && password) {
core.warning("Password is provided, but username is missing");
else if (username && password) {
creds = `${username}:${password}`;
let digestFile = digestFileInput;
const imageNameWithTag = `${imageToPush}:${tagsList[0]}`;
if (!digestFile) {
digestFile = `${imageNameWithTag.replace(
// push the image
for (const tag of tagsList) {
const imageWithTag = `${imageToPush}:${tag}`;
const registryPath = `${registryWithoutTrailingSlash}/${imageInput}:${tag}`;
const args = [
if (podmanExtraArgs.length > 0) {
// check if tls-verify is not set to null
if (tlsVerify) {
// check if registry creds are provided
if (creds) {
await execute(await getPodmanPath(), args);
core.info(`Successfully pushed "${imageWithTag}" to "${registryPath}"`);
try {
const digest = (await fs.promises.readFile(digestFile)).toString();
// the digest should be the same for every image, but we log it every time
// due to https://github.com/redhat-actions/push-to-registry/issues/26
core.setOutput(Outputs.DIGEST, digest);
catch (err) {
core.warning(`Failed to read digest file "${digestFile}": ${err}`);
core.setOutput(Outputs.REGISTRY_PATH, registryPathList[0]);
core.setOutput(Outputs.REGISTRY_PATHS, JSON.stringify(registryPathList));
async function pullImageFromDocker(): Promise<ImageStorageCheckResult> {
core.info(`Checking if "${imageToPush}" with tag${tagsList.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""} `
+ `"${tagsList.join(", ")}" is present in Docker image storage`);
let imageWithTag;
const foundTags: string[] = [];
const missingTags: string[] = [];
try {
for (const tag of tagsList) {
imageWithTag = `${imageToPush}:${tag}`;
const commandResult: ExecResult = await execute(
await getPodmanPath(),
[ "pull", `docker-daemon:${imageWithTag}` ],
{ ignoreReturnCode: true, failOnStdErr: false, group: true }
if (!commandResult.exitCode) {
else {
catch (err) {
return {
async function checkImageInPodman(): Promise<ImageStorageCheckResult> {
// check if images exist in Podman's storage
core.info(`Checking if "${imageToPush}" with tag${tagsList.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""} `
+ `"${tagsList.join(", ")}" is present in Podman image storage`);
let imageWithTag;
const foundTags: string[] = [];
const missingTags: string[] = [];
try {
for (const tag of tagsList) {
imageWithTag = `${imageToPush}:${tag}`;
const commandResult: ExecResult = await execute(
await getPodmanPath(),
[ "image", "exists", imageWithTag ],
{ ignoreReturnCode: true }
if (!commandResult.exitCode) {
else {
catch (err) {
return {
async function isPodmanLocalImageLatest(): Promise<boolean> {
// checking for only one tag as creation time will be
// same for all the tags present
const imageWithTag = `${imageToPush}:${tagsList[0]}`;
// get creation time of the image present in the Podman image storage
const podmanLocalImageTimeStamp = await execute(await getPodmanPath(), [
// get creation time of the image pulled from the Docker image storage
// appending 'docker.io/library' infront of image name as pulled image name
// from Docker image storage starts with the 'docker.io/library'
const pulledImageCreationTimeStamp = await execute(await getPodmanPath(), [
const podmanImageTime = new Date(podmanLocalImageTimeStamp.stdout).getTime();
const dockerImageTime = new Date(pulledImageCreationTimeStamp.stdout).getTime();
return podmanImageTime > dockerImageTime;
// remove the pulled image from the Podman image storage
async function removeDockerImage(): Promise<void> {
if (imageToPush) {
core.info(`Removing "${imageToPush}" from the Podman image storage`);
for (const tag of tagsList) {
const imageWithTag = `${imageToPush}:${tag}`;
await execute(await getPodmanPath(), [ "rmi", imageWithTag ]);
async function execute(
executable: string,
args: string[],
execOptions: exec.ExecOptions & { group?: boolean } = {},
): Promise<ExecResult> {
let stdout = "";
let stderr = "";
const finalExecOptions = { ...execOptions };
finalExecOptions.ignoreReturnCode = true; // the return code is processed below
finalExecOptions.listeners = {
stdline: (line): void => {
stdout += `${line}\n`;
errline: (line): void => {
stderr += `${line}\n`;
if (execOptions.group) {
const groupName = [ executable, ...args ].join(" ");
try {
const exitCode = await exec.exec(executable, args, finalExecOptions);
if (execOptions.ignoreReturnCode !== true && exitCode !== 0) {
// Throwing the stderr as part of the Error makes the stderr show up in the action outline,
// which saves some clicking when debugging.
let error = `${path.basename(executable)} exited with code ${exitCode}`;
if (stderr) {
error += `\n${stderr}`;
throw new Error(error);
return {
finally {
if (execOptions.group) {
.finally(() => {
if (isImageFromDocker) {