import * as exec from '@actions/exec' import * as fshelper from '../lib/fs-helper' import * as commandManager from '../lib/git-command-manager' let git: commandManager.IGitCommandManager let mockExec = jest.fn() describe('git-auth-helper tests', () => { beforeAll(async () => {}) beforeEach(async () => { jest.spyOn(fshelper, 'fileExistsSync').mockImplementation(jest.fn()) jest.spyOn(fshelper, 'directoryExistsSync').mockImplementation(jest.fn()) }) afterEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks() }) afterAll(() => {}) it('branch list matches', async () => { mockExec.mockImplementation((path, args, options) => { console.log(args, options.listeners.stdout) if (args.includes('version')) { options.listeners.stdout(Buffer.from('2.18')) return 0 } if (args.includes('rev-parse')) { options.listeners.stdline(Buffer.from('refs/heads/foo')) options.listeners.stdline(Buffer.from('refs/heads/bar')) return 0 } return 1 }) jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec').mockImplementation(mockExec) const workingDirectory = 'test' const lfs = false const doSparseCheckout = false git = await commandManager.createCommandManager( workingDirectory, lfs, doSparseCheckout ) let branches = await git.branchList(false) expect(branches).toHaveLength(2) expect(branches.sort()).toEqual(['foo', 'bar'].sort()) }) it('ambiguous ref name output is captured', async () => { mockExec.mockImplementation((path, args, options) => { console.log(args, options.listeners.stdout) if (args.includes('version')) { options.listeners.stdout(Buffer.from('2.18')) return 0 } if (args.includes('rev-parse')) { options.listeners.stdline(Buffer.from('refs/heads/foo')) // If refs/tags/v1 and refs/heads/tags/v1 existed on this repository options.listeners.errline( Buffer.from("error: refname 'tags/v1' is ambiguous") ) return 0 } return 1 }) jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec').mockImplementation(mockExec) const workingDirectory = 'test' const lfs = false const doSparseCheckout = false git = await commandManager.createCommandManager( workingDirectory, lfs, doSparseCheckout ) let branches = await git.branchList(false) expect(branches).toHaveLength(1) expect(branches.sort()).toEqual(['foo'].sort()) }) }) describe('Test fetchDepth and fetchTags options', () => { beforeEach(async () => { jest.spyOn(fshelper, 'fileExistsSync').mockImplementation(jest.fn()) jest.spyOn(fshelper, 'directoryExistsSync').mockImplementation(jest.fn()) mockExec.mockImplementation((path, args, options) => { console.log(args, options.listeners.stdout) if (args.includes('version')) { options.listeners.stdout(Buffer.from('2.18')) } return 0 }) }) afterEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks() }) it('should call execGit with the correct arguments when fetchDepth is 0 and fetchTags is true', async () => { jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec').mockImplementation(mockExec) const workingDirectory = 'test' const lfs = false const doSparseCheckout = false git = await commandManager.createCommandManager( workingDirectory, lfs, doSparseCheckout ) const refSpec = ['refspec1', 'refspec2'] const options = { filter: 'filterValue', fetchDepth: 0, fetchTags: true } await git.fetch(refSpec, options) expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), [ '-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch', '--prune', '--no-recurse-submodules', '--filter=filterValue', 'origin', 'refspec1', 'refspec2' ], expect.any(Object) ) }) it('should call execGit with the correct arguments when fetchDepth is 0 and fetchTags is false', async () => { jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec').mockImplementation(mockExec) const workingDirectory = 'test' const lfs = false const doSparseCheckout = false git = await commandManager.createCommandManager( workingDirectory, lfs, doSparseCheckout ) const refSpec = ['refspec1', 'refspec2'] const options = { filter: 'filterValue', fetchDepth: 0, fetchTags: false } await git.fetch(refSpec, options) expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), [ '-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch', '--no-tags', '--prune', '--no-recurse-submodules', '--filter=filterValue', 'origin', 'refspec1', 'refspec2' ], expect.any(Object) ) }) it('should call execGit with the correct arguments when fetchDepth is 1 and fetchTags is false', async () => { jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec').mockImplementation(mockExec) const workingDirectory = 'test' const lfs = false const doSparseCheckout = false git = await commandManager.createCommandManager( workingDirectory, lfs, doSparseCheckout ) const refSpec = ['refspec1', 'refspec2'] const options = { filter: 'filterValue', fetchDepth: 1, fetchTags: false } await git.fetch(refSpec, options) expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), [ '-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch', '--no-tags', '--prune', '--no-recurse-submodules', '--filter=filterValue', '--depth=1', 'origin', 'refspec1', 'refspec2' ], expect.any(Object) ) }) it('should call execGit with the correct arguments when fetchDepth is 1 and fetchTags is true', async () => { jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec').mockImplementation(mockExec) const workingDirectory = 'test' const lfs = false const doSparseCheckout = false git = await commandManager.createCommandManager( workingDirectory, lfs, doSparseCheckout ) const refSpec = ['refspec1', 'refspec2'] const options = { filter: 'filterValue', fetchDepth: 1, fetchTags: true } await git.fetch(refSpec, options) expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), [ '-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch', '--tags', '--prune', '--no-recurse-submodules', '--filter=filterValue', '--depth=1', 'origin', 'refspec1', 'refspec2' ], expect.any(Object) ) }) it('should call execGit with the correct arguments when showProgress is true', async () => { jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec').mockImplementation(mockExec) const workingDirectory = 'test' const lfs = false const doSparseCheckout = false git = await commandManager.createCommandManager( workingDirectory, lfs, doSparseCheckout ) const refSpec = ['refspec1', 'refspec2'] const options = { filter: 'filterValue', showProgress: true } await git.fetch(refSpec, options) expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), [ '-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch', '--no-tags', '--prune', '--no-recurse-submodules', '--progress', '--filter=filterValue', 'origin', 'refspec1', 'refspec2' ], expect.any(Object) ) }) it('should call execGit with the correct arguments when fetchDepth is 42 and showProgress is true', async () => { jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec').mockImplementation(mockExec) const workingDirectory = 'test' const lfs = false const doSparseCheckout = false git = await commandManager.createCommandManager( workingDirectory, lfs, doSparseCheckout ) const refSpec = ['refspec1', 'refspec2'] const options = { filter: 'filterValue', fetchDepth: 42, showProgress: true } await git.fetch(refSpec, options) expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), [ '-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch', '--no-tags', '--prune', '--no-recurse-submodules', '--progress', '--filter=filterValue', '--depth=42', 'origin', 'refspec1', 'refspec2' ], expect.any(Object) ) }) it('should call execGit with the correct arguments when fetchTags is true and showProgress is true', async () => { jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec').mockImplementation(mockExec) const workingDirectory = 'test' const lfs = false const doSparseCheckout = false git = await commandManager.createCommandManager( workingDirectory, lfs, doSparseCheckout ) const refSpec = ['refspec1', 'refspec2'] const options = { filter: 'filterValue', fetchTags: true, showProgress: true } await git.fetch(refSpec, options) expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), [ '-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch', '--prune', '--no-recurse-submodules', '--progress', '--filter=filterValue', 'origin', 'refspec1', 'refspec2' ], expect.any(Object) ) }) })